Some recent papers

Amir Herzberg: Some recent papers

  • Denial and Degradation of Service Attacks on Secure Tunnels (View Download), with Haya Shulman. Shows Degradation of Service attacks by weak adversaries on secured TCP traffic. Presented in NDSS'10.
  • QoSoDoS: Ensuring Quality-of-Service over Denial-of-Service-prone networks (or: if you can't beat them, join them!), with Moti Geva; Infocom 2011. A redundant-transmission transport protocol that ensures (modest) QoS requirements, with very low loss rates, over networks which are subject to very high loss rates (due to DoS attacks). (View Download).
  • Lightweight Opportunistic Tunneling (LOT) (View Download) with Yossi Gilad. This is (draft of) full version of the paper that appeared in Esorics'09.
  • Packet Storm DoS Attacks on TCP, or Abusing Public WiFi, with Raz Abramov (IfipSec'11). Practical, devastating DoS attacks TCP connections, allowing very weak MitM attackers (`WitM` attacker), to congest a network, with huge amplification factor (e.g. 400,000). The attack was validated against common TCP implementations. Available from authors on limited basis (to give vendors sufficient time to fix).
  • Fragmentation Considered Vulnerable, with Yossi Gilad (in submission). Practical, devastating DoS (and interception) attacks against fragmented IP traffic. Attacks apply and were validated for very common, standard-complying implementations of hosts, gateways and NATs. Available from authors on limited basis (to give vendors sufficient time to fix).
  • Security of Patched DNS, with Haya Shulman. An attack which foils DNS port randomization, when DNS resolver is `behind' a NAT device. Attack validated against common, standard-complying NAT implementations. Available from authors on limited basis (to give vendors sufficient time to fix).

Amir Herzberg, Bar Ilan University